Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vaginal odor, not impossible smelling a short time ago self conscious? and support?

I stay clean down in attendance. shower normally. i dont feel i have an infection. i hear some foods may cause some smells, but I dont know what foods. Like I said its not amazingly bad but it make me self conscious. I know douching is bad.
I want to know the cause and the treatments.
also, im not very live, and im on a birth control patch. i dont do smorts, or sweat alot. I've got one and the same problem too =X Its very annoying, though not nearly as impossible as it was contained by 7th grade X_X
Its not a gross odor, but its annoying and unwanted. Make sure you wipe intensely well and thuroughly after using the restroom. There are freshening wipe made for this sort of thing, though gross sure to use wipes SPECIFICALLY made for freshening up down within ONLY. Clean down there all right every day too. It of late happens, and of late taking a few extra steps will help hang on to it in control.
Hope that help ^^
If you have discharge next you have a infection.. but if you dont after use soaps for genital area, the ones the assassinate bacteria.. you know close to summer eve...
And also you should do some research about the BIRTH CONTROL PATCH.. you could die from that... Um sure you hear it in T.V roughly that..

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