Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Well is in that anything that you can do to engineer your interval come sooner consequently?

mmmm... ive heard that if you drink alot of citrus (orange,lemon,lime) that it makes it come faster but im not sure. What i do know though, is that if you stress over it will in fact delay your time of year from dont do that, just relax.
report to me about it it's completely stressed me out!! i am thirteen (how infirm are u?) all of my friends enjoy started they think i'm a infant!! i have search a lot of websites but nought they just read aloud when ur ready t will come but nthing 2 years i've wait i think i hold waited long ample!! but now i've pretty much given up adjectives sights and people on right to be heard when it does you'll wish it hadn't! once my friend leak in white jeans on a bus not virtuous! be pateint!!

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