Thursday, October 21, 2010


what would you say is the average age for a girl to loose her virginity? I know near are lots of younger girls(12-13) that are having sex for the first time but I know some women within their 20's that lost their virginity. There is no age for when it shoudl be lost. It is when you feel primed and understand the consquences should you not protect yourself properly. You entail to make sure that you and your partner enjoy talked it over and are both 100% sure that this is what you both want to do. So in that really isn't an averae age.
In the line of work I'm within (case worker) unfortunately the average age is 12.
When I be coming up, it was nearly 16-18.
If you are already thinking you are too young to do it, more than probable you are. Remember, once you do it, you can never get it support. Make sure you are really ready to concordat with the possibly consequences of have sex. Example, pregnancy, STDs, the emotional effects, etc.

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