Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wat will transpire if i took more than 1 prozac?

Are you on Prozac? If you're feeling you inevitability more of a boost, upping your dose without medical guidance isn't a good concept at all. Visit your doctor beside any concerns and requests; Prozac isn't meant to be a 'cure all' drug, it's designed to provide you near a strong stepping stone to feel better yourself. It's not a seditive, it's a helping paw. You may need a bit more counsel on what that extra helping hand could be; don't do anything in need speaking to your doctor first. Good luck.
Ps - Hope you don't mind me saying so, but I've checked out your myspace site raise awareness for 'Madie'; think it's great what you're doing.
i conjecture you should stick to the amount prescribed.

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