Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Weird extent symptoms?

So, my period started yesterday and it be right on time and everything. I feel fine yesterday, except for the usual mild cramps. But today I woke up, and I felt soooo fatigued it wasn't even funny. My tummy feel weird, it didn't hurt but it be as though there be pressure on it..? I dont know. And I was reaction nauseous too. Right very soon I feel pretty vague, and when I stand up my head hurts. What's wrong next to me? I never had symptoms approaching this before. And my interval is reeeally heavy for some function.
Also, I just recovered from a cold if that make any difference. I'm not sure how old you are, but as I've gotten elder (and especially since I have be married), my period change frequently. It used to always be matching, month after month, but now I never know what to expect. Honestly, adjectives of your symptoms sound usual to me. Fatigue, especially, but weakness, bloating, pressure contained by your tummy, all of this is usual. Your body may still be weak from the cold, so it may be hitting you a bit harder this month. If you still feel concerned, it couldn't hurt anything to see a doctor. But, within my opinion, those are conventional symptoms. Feel better!
Everytime I get my extent it is always different , sometimes nearby is no cramps and it is heavy, sometimes at hand is little cramps and its light, and etc. Take a reheat shower and focus the water on the nouns that is hurting (i.e lower stomach lower back) and pinch some tylenol and then thieve a nap
Good luck

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