Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vaginal bleeding / length during pregnancy?

a symptom is : Missed or scant menstrual periods (It is significant to note that some pregnany women experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding around the time of an expected term and mistake this for a regular period)
Is there a approach to be certain of the difference, how do you know which is which ? And how impulsive can the vaginal bleeding begin ? except for surrounded by VERY rare cases, vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is nought like a woman's time. bleeding during pregnancy is often a sign of pregnancy complications, and should be address with your ob/gyn. if you typically enjoy a heavy length, and you still are having substantial bleeding, pregnancy is very unlikely. it is impossible to enjoy a "period" when pregnant because periods shed the endometrial bin liner which is esstential to pregnancy
Take a pregnancy test! because if you are pregnant and your already have symptoms (as of bleeding) Then it should show up on one! Good luck!

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